Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Introducing Me!

Hello all, my name is Kristin but you can just call me Red. At some point or another everyone does. I've gone by the moniker of Rubida ever since I learned in Latin class in the 7th grade that it meant "red-haired." This is only one of the things that defines me. I also love to talk, garden, throw parties, craft and play with animals. Everyone knows that when they travel with me and we pass a petting zoo...we are stopping. I don't care if the petting zoo consists of a pack of goats, a dog, or ducks. We are stopping. Of course the more exotic the animal the better which is how I ended up petting a kangaroo last year. Totally awesome!

I also have a few addictions. Nothing too terribly scary, the list pretty much goes like this: chapstick, tea, hobbies. Doesn't sound like a lot, right? Until you take into the account that these things are small and easily collected. There are lots of pieces and parts. I guess I should clarify that the hobbies I collect that produce crafts. For example I knit and crochet which means I get lots of different needle types and sizes plus all the various yarns needed for each project. I make jewelry which requires it's own set of tools, beads, connectors and such. Now I sound like a boarderline hoarder...which I am not as I constantly give away my finished crafts and donate gently used items to charity. Basically I like variety and quantity. I like to constantly reinvent, grow, change and learn. Learning new skills keeps me sharp and I like to learn the older crafts best. It makes me feel good to preserves some of my family knowledge when my mom teaches me how to can or my grandmother teaches me needlepoint. That's what I contribute to society, carrying on traditions.

I started this blog to share a snapshot of my adventures as I explore my world and new life in Cincinnati, OH. After this one I am going to cut down on saying I so much...but I thought it was only fair to introduce myslef before I jumped into other posts. Join me as I travel, garden and craft my way through my 30th year of life. I quilt, I grow plants from seed and I try to be green. It's nice to meet you.


  1. Hi Red! It was only a matter of time before you came to the dark side of the blog. ^_^~>

  2. Welcome to the blog world! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures!
    I think you would like this blog too....


    She writes about small scale farming and gardening, her book, "Made from Scratch" is great and has provided me with much inspiration, definitely worth checking out from the library! Take care!
