Monday, March 28, 2011

Jogging and Stuff

I'd like to introduce everyone to someone very dear to me and my newly found jogging partner.  I have completely wasted time and money on gym memberships and workout videos when all I had to do was get the right partner!!  She's a little pushy and we argue quite a bit but she usually lets me win.  In return I dropped five pounds without noticing how hard I was working.  I'm developing arm muscles, my knee aches more but I can feel myself growing stronger with each jog we take.  It's only been a couple of weeks but I can tell that this is the beginning of a beautiful and mutually beneficial relationship.  She inspires me to want to get out there and run just to share some time with her.  No one else seems to pay her much mind but that half hour that we are together all is forgiven because she is the center of my world. 

Meet Daisy, my neighbor's golden retriever and all around sweet heart. She's getting a little love from me through the fences that connect our yards and rewarding me with one of her smiles.  Let's keep up the good work girl!  We both need the exercise!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy First Day of Spring!!

Spring has officially sprung in Cincy and this is how I know:

 My end of the season purchase of a peony is starting to bud!!

My crocuses are in full bloom!!

And I've planted my container herb garden for the patio.  Starting at the top left and moving clockwise you are looking at cilantro, curry, chives, curled leaf parsley, basil and purple sage!  The chives and parsley were transplanted from last years bed where they successfully regrew.  So far the oregano is also making a strong comeback but the thyme may have gotten nipped by the snow this year.  Still waiting to see.

The season has begun and I can't wait to get into the full swing of gardening things.  More to come as we plan to fully document our activities this year.  Happy Gardening and Homesteading everyone!!!