Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oops! I'm a terrible blogger...

Yup, I admit it.  I'm a terrible blogger.  I haven't written in almost 3 months...but things are about to pick up!  Fall is my favorite time of year and I find that there are just too many things competing for my attention.  The irony is that I've been writing blogs in my head and taking lots of pictures to share my journeys but haven't posted a single one. I've decided to remedy this with a bit of the end of summer and into fall rewind. 

What exactly has been keeping me so busy you might ask?  Well besides the pumpkin carving, seed roasting, candy handing out festivities...I've signed up to participate in a Craft Show this weekend.  If you are anywhere near Oak Hills United Methodist Church on Bridgetown Road in Cincy this weekend then stop by between 9am and 3pm to see my crocheted goodies!  There are simply too many to post all of them here but you can check out the mayhem virtually on Ravelry.  You can find me under Rubida55 and possibly here: .

Consider yourselves officially warned...the next time that we meet we will go back in time!!!  MWHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And stuff.